July 27, 2024

Fraud Analysis

Crypto Used In Trafficking Drugs Worth 5.5 Million USD!

In a recent conspiracy, the adverse effects of the dark web, crypto, and fake medicinal drugs have come to the limelight again. This incident involved the alleged dispersion of fake prescription drug pills and other controlled drugs. Here, Crypto, including Bitcoin, was reportedly used to launder more than $5.35 million for the entire cartel.

The jury of a competent federal court has indicted John Khuu, a 27-year-old resident of San Francisco, California on may 18. The various indictments included laundering money and conspiracy, among others.

According to a press release from the Department of Justice, Mr. Khuu has been making use of the dark web to connect with potential customers for these fake pills. All the exchange of money was done using cryptocurrency, making it tough for authorities to find out about these operations at the earliest.

According to the charge sheet issued by U.S. Magistrate Judge John D. Love, Khuu and others colluded to siphon drug trafficking proceeds using cryptocurrency. Khuu is alleged to have supplied fake prescription meds and other controlled substances to people across the country.

The accused, Mr. Khuu, will be required to undergo trial in case he is not offered a plea by the prosecutors. If found guilty of the charges, he may face a maximum of 20 years prison sentence.

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