Circle Empowers Next Gen payment by Acquiring Elements.
The issuer of Euro Coin and USD Coin, Circle is all set to acquire developer and merchant payments platform, Elements.
But this acquisition falls in line with Circle’s plan to speed up crypto payments. A plan was shown at the Coverage22 Technology conference, which Circle sponsored in San Francisco between September 27th-30th, according to a press release on September 29th. Merchants will now be able to secure next-generation payments and financial services with ease by quickly scaling up payment offerings. They can improve and integrate with Circle’s payment options.
The CPO at Circle, Nikhil Chandhok, has been very impressed with the Elements team’s work in simplifying crypto payments. He stated that at the core of Circle’s mission was the effort to lower barriers to entry for both financial services and payments and reestablish the value of dollar payments. He further added that merchants can be empowered to utiise next-gen payment solutions by payment products that are designed to ensure seamless and fruitful experiences to customers.
The company has added more than $49 billion USDC in circulation, which means more than $5 trillion in chain transactions since 2018. It is a significant step that will help merchants accept USDC at POS (point of sale).
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